A nossa Ementa
Foi criada a pensar nos pratos mais tradicionais de Portugal e em especeial a região do Algarve.
Com uma forte influencia Mediterranea a sua concepção passa por uma paleta de cores vibrantes e sabores inesqueciveis.
Bom Apetite
Our Menu
Was created thinking of the more traditional dishes from Portugal and particularly the Algarve region.
With a strong Mediterranean influence its conception goes through a palette of vibrant colors and unforgettable flavors.
Bon Appetite
Crepe Nº1
Gelado Baunilha c/ Cholate e Chantily
Vanilla Ice Cream w/ Chocolate & Cream
Vanilleeis mit Cholate und Cream
Crepe Triângulo
Gelado de baunilha e morango chantilly e topping chocolate
Vanilla and Strawberry ice cream chocolate topping and cream
Vanille und Erdbeer-Eis Schokolade topping and cream
Crepe com banana e topping de chocolate
Crepe with banana and chocolate topping
Crepe mit Banane und Schokolade topping
Crepe com morangos e topping de chocolate
Crepe with strawberries and chocolate topping
Crepe mit Erdbeeren und Schokolade topping
Crepe com topping de chocolate
Crepe with chocolate topping
Crepe mit Schokolade topping
Crepe com topping de morango
Crepe with strawberry topping
Crepe mit Erdbeeren Topping
Crepe com açúcar e canela
Crepe with sugar and cinnamon
Crepe mit Zucker und Zimt
Rua Gago Coutinho, Lote do Gaveto, n.º1
8600-593 LAGOS
© 2015 Restraurante Triangulo